Hubby and I have been married for over 17 years and each year seems to be getting better. We've mellowed a lot and grown much. I love him more today than when I said "I do" all those years ago. He is my man, my love, my help-meet, my best friend, my lover. So many people are unhappy in their marriages and turn to some horrific "solutions" to try to save what they have. I believe the keys to having a successful marriage are #1 RESPECT for each other, #2 COMMITMENT to each other through all hardships, #3 LOVE and #4 FAITH. We live in a disposable society that says it's OK to get married because you can always get divorced if it doesn't work out. When my man and I got married, we agreed to never say the "D" word. We made a commitment to work things out and if that meant going to bed and talking all night to resolve whatever issue we had then we were both going to be pretty darned tired the next morning. We NEVER go to bed angry - when you do that your problems simmer and steam, marinating in their own stew of ugliness that gets harder and harder to resolve until you've got a hard stubborn crust burnt into your relationship. Marriage takes hard work and a lot of tender loving care. Those romantic moments at the beginning of the relationship are fleeting. Real love takes mutual trust and nurturing. It grows stronger and deeper as the years go by and you rely on each other more and more. It is a necessity in a strong marriage for each person to grow and change, to mature, to mellow and age. We are like fine wines, with the proper care and nurturing, we just get better and better. I believe a committed, respectful, loving and faithful marriage is the binder for two such people.
I had the honor of meeting a lady today who embodies these things. She and her husband just celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. She'd known him since she was 6 years old. When she was old enough to date, she wondered why no one ever asked her out. Soon after she was married she discovered her husband had warned off all her potential suitors because he had determined she was the one. She shared this charming story with such a look of love and peace on her face. Reminded me of my mother - she would have been about this lady's age and she and my dad would have celebrated their 60th this past summer. I wish I had asked her for more; her name, another story, anything...because she had given me hope for the future. Not necessarily for me but for others out there. It doesn't all end in heartbreak and divorce. My heart was warmed and I was truly blessed by her.
On another note, my darling hubby is getting domestic on me! He saw this picture in Taste of Home magazine of some fancy schmancy turkey themed cupcakes and decided to get creative! This is the result of several hours of hard work:
The "Drummie King" |
Turkey Cupcake |
Lots of turkey cupcakes! |
And for the cuteness factor, here's a pic of my wild man with the new beanie I whipped up for him this weekend :)
Ooh, I could just squeeze him!! Right, I already did! :) "Mooommmm" |
Have a safe and happy week! Happy knitting :)