Oh, I've been bitten by the biggest knitting bug around - I have so many projects lined up in my Ravelry queue, not to mention what I've been saving from all the knitting magazines. I'm trying to finish up a baby afghan now. I have 7 12" blocks crocheted and one more almost done. I'll finish that up today and get the last block started tonight. Most of it is already pieced together since I thought six block would be enough! It looked wrong - too skinny - so I decided to do 3 more blocks. Once the border has been crocheted on it will be beautiful and just the right size for a baby/lap afghan :) I also have a Bedouin cowl to start this week which will be a Christmas present for a friend. I'll be using 2 strands of Malabrigo merino worsted in Dark Earth colorway. I've also got a gorgeous crochet cloche to make using Mirasol Tupa (a 50/50 merino/silk combo) in an absolutely beautiful turquoise colorway, a knit cloche using Mirasol K'acha and one in Malabrigo silky, several scarves, lacy fingerless gloves, a felted tote and a felted bag, and some more baby items for upcoming deliveries! And, if I have the time (LOL), socks! Oh, and I still have the dreaded hubby sweater to finish...I only have one sleeve left, you'd think I'd just bite the bullet and get it done, right? *sigh* Like I said, so much yarn, so little time!
Wild man started preschool last week and seems to really love it! Now we've both got to get used to the schedule of getting up and out the door in the morning. I really need to adjust to having free time (I know!) in the morning. I mean, finally, I can clean the house or write in my journal or read or KNIT for a few uninterrupted hours! That is, once I get over the anxiety of wondering if the wild man is doing ok in school, if he needs me for anything, if he's hurt and the teachers can't reach me for some strange reason, or get over the guilt of finally being able to do something for myself. Sometimes I make life way too difficult! Breathe, Annie, breathe! It really is ok to relax and have fun - it even says so in the Bible:
Ecclesiastes 8: 14 There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: righteous men who get what the wicked deserve, and wicked men who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless. 15 So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun.
My church schedule has kicked into gear again. We have small group on Tues eve, I have my ladies Bible study Wed morn and my mom's group Fri morn. I've got my Sunday volunteer schedule laid out for the rest of the year, too. I help produce the kids service, which just means I'm the chick behind the computer hiding in the back of the room hoping no one has noticed I missed my cue with a slide or video :) It's a lot of fun, watching the kids respond to the antics of the adults on stage. Someone once told me we may be the only positive influence on a child that week so if the opportunity for a bond arises we should take it. My hubby volunteers in one of the preschool rooms and he's said how true that statement is. It's sad when you think about it... Anyway, I'm looking forward to having a great year, learning and volunteering where I can.
A bunch of us from the ladies Bible study are heading down to Lowell, MA this coming weekend for a Beth Moore conference! We are all SO excited to see her in person! I've had my ticket since February! I'm hoping for a really great conference, to meet some wonderful ladies and get to know the ladies I'm with better and have an encounter with God. Because that's what it's ultimately about - getting closer to God. Wavering, searching, mustard seed sized faith like mine needs constant care. It's one of the reasons I've chosen to be involved in so much - if I don't then I'll slide back into my old life and I don't really like that person. She's selfish, cruel and dis-compassionate to say the least. I've found my life to be better when I live by God's commands and the more I learn from the Bible the more I understand how depraved I really am and what a miracle we've all been given. Whenever we are asked to look at the Cross, it's all I can do to maintain my composure. Maybe it's because I've lost a son so I know what that kind of pain is like but this is God we're talking about. His love is so boundless he chose to take on that grief and sacrifice His precious Son so he could have a relationship with us. It's all by the grace of God that I'm here and without God in my life it's just an empty void. I've been hearing a lot about being in love with the Lord and yes, it does sound strange to me. Worship Him I can understand, revere Him, fear Him, see Him with awe - yes, I'm there. But falling in love? Sounds crazy, right? Well, it turns out, not so much. I realize all this intensity wouldn't be here if I wasn't somehow in love with my God. I haven't reached the joyous stage yet, it may be a long time coming. I've spent too much time trying to understand things I'm not meant to. I'm in the "feeling overwhelmed realization of just finding out I'm falling in love" stage. My faith is growing and changing me. It's a bit scary, yet wonderful all at the same time. The faith I've believed for a long time was nothing more than a mustard seed has sprouted - still small but definitely growing!
Well, I'm off to finish the 8th square for this afghan and to hopefully start the 9th square. Hope you have a wonderful week! Stay safe and happy knitting!