LD and I had a quiet morning playing with his toys. Hubby and I revamped his toy box and its like he has all new toys to play with. We also spent about an hour online at the Thomas the Tank Engine website listening to the same tunes play over and over again. Hey, if it makes LD want to snuggle with me, I'll subject myself to the Teletubbies if I have to! He chowed on his peanut butter sandwich for lunch and went down for his nap with nary a wimper. After he woke up I struggled to get him bundled up (stupid Walmart jacket with the too tight sleeves) and outside for some sorely needed exercise. He loved it! He likes being pulled in his sled and he likes pulling the sled!
I'm looking forward to finally finishing this mitten so I can get started on some more projects. I have a hat started for my Chemo Cap Project that I haven't touched in a week and I'd really like to crochet a few more things for Christmas. I need to knit a winter headband for my neice and a hat for hubby. I have a scarf to finish for my mother-in-law, too. I also have this adorable bag to knit up and felt. It will be my first foray into felting. I'm really looking forward to it! It's my Christmas present to myself so I can't wait for the opportunity to get to it. I plan on doing a bunch more crocheted bookmarks, too. Here's the bag I crocheted for my neice for Christmas:
Speaking of Christmas stuff, I have some cross stitch bookmarks to do, as well. I've put all my cross stitch on hold while I endulge in my knitting. I don't know when I'll get back to my big project. It's a lovely lighthouse scene, one of the biggest ones I've done yet. It will end up being a gift for my best friend at some point. She and her husband love lighthouse scenes.
Here's a pic of LD from yesterday:
Cute, isn't he? I sure think so!!
Ciao and happy knitting!
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